• a, an                                                                                      the

          -         sg. počítateľné                                                               - sg., pl. počítateľné, nepočítateľné

          -         nové, neznáme (They live in a house.)                          - známe

          -         nedefinované, neurčité                                                   - konkrétne (Close the door.)

          -         1.x spomenuté (I bought a new jumper.)                       - špecifikované (The sweater I bought is blue.)

          -         zvolania (What a pity!)                                                   - 2.x spomenuté (It’s a quiet village. The village has low population.)

          -         profesie (She is a doctor.)                                              - svetové strany (the south) 

          -         choroby (a headache)                                                    - superlatíva (the best)

          -         there’s (There’s a boy.)                                                  - radové číslovky (the first)

          -         množstvo ( a hundred, 3 times a day, a pair of)            - príslušníci národa (the French)

           zero                                                                                      - hudobné nástroje (play the piano)

          -   pl. počítateľné, nepočítateľné                                           - the _____ of _____ (the life of Napoleon)

          -   všeobecne (Sugar is bad for your teeth.)                           - jedinečné objekty (the sun, the Queen)

          -   frázy (at home, at/to school, in bed, at/to work,               - múzeá (the British Museum)

                       by bus, on foot, at night)                                          - moria (the Atlantic)

          -   jedlá (lunch, tea, bread)                                                   - rieky (the Thames)

          -   predmety (Math)                                                               - hotely (the Ritz)

          -   abstraktné pods.m. (love, freedom)                                   - púšte (the Sahara)

          -   jazyky (Slovak, English)                                                   - divadlá (the Odeon)

          -   časti dňa (at, by, after, before noon/night)                        - noviny (the Times)

          -         športy (She plays tennis)                                                 - špec. triedy ľudí (the rich)

          -         krajiny (Austria)                                                              - príslušníci rodín (the Browns)

          -         mestá (London)

          -         kontinenty (Europe)

          -         jazerá (Lake Victoria)

          -         ulice (South Street)

          -         letiská (Heathrow)

          -         stanice (Victoria Station)

          -         parky (Hyde Park)

          -         námestia (Trafalgar Square)

          -         mesiace (February)

          -         dni (Monday)

          -         ročné obdobia (spring)

    • Kontakty

      • Základná škola s materskou školou Kalinčiakova 12
      • Sekretariát:
        Marta Boudná 0904 59 33 57
        Zástupca :
        Mgr. Renáta Fenclová 0949 187 773
        Mgr. Miloš Smoleniak 0911 978 881
        Dušan Noga 0903 889 363
        Jana Havránková 0904 67 68 95
        Materská škola:
        Zuzana Sadovská 0911 978 876
        Školský klub detí (ŠKD):
        Petra Zemancová 0948 162 754
      • Kalinčiakova 12
        83104 Bratislava
      • 50409964
      • 2120330410
    • Prihlásenie